What formula do I use for this?



I have a formula that performs a calculation to determine cubic lbs/sq foot
of a shipment of materials. (Please see below.) The table underneath the
calculation shows me under which shipweight classification the shipment
falls. I would like the form to automatically tell me what the shipweight
classification is by looking at the range that the cubic/lbs per sq. foot
falls in, and pulling the classification number from the table. Does anyone
have any suggestions? I am stuck...

Thanks in advance,


L x W xH = 0.00

0/1728 =0.00 (lbs/cubic foot)

Pounds per Cubic Foot Classification
50 50
35 55
30 60
22.5 65
15 70
13.5 77.5
12 85
10.5 92.5
9 100
8 110
7 125
6 150
5 175
4 200
3 250
2 300
1 400
< 1 500

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