Where is the Format Painter and What's up with Font Colors?



This is a huge pain point with me and Microsoft Office products. And it
looks like now with OneNote. While I love OneNote I find it extremely
irritating due to the following:

1) Why are you still limiting font colors!
2) Why is Office consistent across the board in reference to #1? You have
the entire color palette in Word, but not in Excel, OneNote and some others.
Why?!?!? Even if Excel is data intensive and colors add a few kb to the file
so what! It's our choice. And what about One Note? Why do I STILL have a
lousy color pallet to choose from when specifying font color? Why in 2009 is
this a consistency or decision error and why can't I get the full color
3) Where's the format painter in OneNote! ???

Please, MS, I don't know if I want an explanation/excuse...just add these
simple things in ! What's the deal?

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Rainald Taesler

dba123 said:
This is a huge pain point with me and Microsoft Office products. And
it looks like now with OneNote. While I love OneNote I find it
extremely irritating due to the following:

1) Why are you still limiting font colors!
2) Why is Office consistent across the board in reference to #1?

AFAICS a "NOT" is missing the question.
You have the entire color palette in Word, but not in Excel, OneNote and
some others. Why?!?!? Even if Excel is data intensive and colors add
a few kb to the file so what! It's our choice.

Wrong assumption:
Excel 2007 has the same color palette as Word 2007.
And what about One Note?

You are right, there is no extended color palette in OneNote.
Why do I STILL have a lousy color pallet to choose from when
specifying font color? Why in 2009 is this a consistency or decision
error and why can't I get the full color pallet!

IMHO the colors available in OneNote would be just sufficient for the
purposes of this application.
One always gas to keep in mind what In is what not. Definitely not a
fully blown wordprocessor nut an "easy go lucky" instrument for

However, the the same color palette as in Word and Excel will be
implemented in ON2010.
3) Where's the format painter in OneNote! ??

Unfortunately the "Format Painter" is missing in OneNote.
I agree that it would be needed.

It seems that it will not be implemented in the new version ON2010.
That's really sad :-( :-(



IMHO the colors available in OneNote would be just sufficient for the
purposes of this application.

this is exactly what I am talking about. Says who? Did you do any usabiliy
testing? I can tell you right now it's lame. For me I don't like some of
the harsh blues, reds, etc. that you force on us. And for such a "colorful"
and "graphical" UI, you're telling me that limiting font colors is

this is exactly what's wrong with MS and Office. Create a very cool App,
but then limit font colors because of some assumption or just lack of
usability decisions.

As powerful as OneNote is, that's BS man. And I am a developer who
typically you would know don't care about font colors but I do. And so the
average household user would care even more than I!

There is no good reason here that you have stated that there shouldn't be
the full color wheel exposed for font colors. It's lame. It's time to get
with the times MS. And you can't assume your persona is this or that when
you've clearly just made ignorant comments in your reply that states nothing
about the experience using OneNote, Excel or any office product. I would
guarantee you people would love to bypass the horrible default lack of colors
MS forces in the font palette.


"easy go lucky" instrument for *notetaking*!

My god, this thing is a lot more than just note taking. It's much more
powerful than that.

Rainald Taesler

dba123 said:
My god, this thing is a lot more than just note taking. It's much
more powerful than that.

You need not tell *ME*!!

I really know and OneNote and its power!


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