Winfax trouble



OK Here's the summary. I am running Windows 98 and had Winfax 9.0 on my
computer. I used to be able to "print" a document to my winfax driver and
send it with no problem (on another W98 computer) but couldn't do it on this
computer. The page kept coming up blank or only showing some of the graphics.
I was having some other little issues with Winfax (even after updating) and
decided to get the latest version and install it. After making sure it was 98
compatible I uninstalled the 9.0 as instructed and installed the 10.0 This
did not solve the problem, so I contacted their tech support and ran through
the gambit of solutions. It accured to me that since it was having this
problem before and since it only happened with work documents (not pdf's)
that it is probably a Word thing. I'm also having a document saving problem
but this is more important right now. Would appreciate any help!

Peter Jamieson

Not sure I can help, but...
I'm also having a document saving problem
but this is more important right now.

a. the two problems may well be related - if you haven't seen
the techniques in there may be useful even though the article does not
target the problem you are having.

b. which version of Word is this?
c. does Winfax let you preview? If so, does the preview show the same
problems? If not, can you print to the Winnfax printer, but save the file to
an output file (there may be an option in the print dialog box). Then try
opening the output in a winfax viewer or anything else that works to see if
the problem is actually occuring when Word is rendering.

Peter Jamieson

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