Word 2007 - Spell checker not working



I've seen several other people with this same exact issue, but no good
solutions yet...

I upgraded from Word 2003 to 2007 and now my spell checking does not work in
Word (or Outlook 2007). As I type I do not get any red or blue squiggles,
just green ones for grammatical errors.

I have tried all of the solutions suggested elsewhere: uninstall/reinstall,
repair, check settings. The only thing that worked was logging in as a new
user which I don't think is a very good solution.


English U.S. language
Do not check spelling and grammer - OFF
Detect language automatically - ON
Check spelling as you type - ON
Use contextual spelling - ON
Mark grammar errors as you type - ON (this works)
Check grammar with spelling - ON
Hide spelling errors in this document only - OFF
Hide grammar errors in this document only - OFF

I've tried many permutations of the above settings all with the same result:
no spell check. Typing in "Kjsh dkjhf skjdh fkjhs kjhd" and hitting F7 sinply
reports "The spelling and grammar check is complete"

I've tried futzing with the Office and Word AppData folders and the
registry, without success.

Has anyone figured out how to fix this?



Terry Farrell

SelectAll, then on the Review Ribbon, Proofing, Set Language, make sure that
English US is selected and that the two checkboxes at the bottom are both
clear: press DEFAULT. Does that help?


Thanks for the suggestion.

I did exactly the steps you suggested, but there is no change -- spell
checking does not happen.

One small clue: I do get a red squiggly if I type duplicate words: "foo foo
foo", but not if I mispell a word: "Fkjh askj apsk akjhs dkjha sakjhd" (no
red squiggly).

I've seen several people with exactly the same problem... spell checking is
broken after an upgrade to 2007, but it works if they log in as a different
user. I've seen some messages about people renaming their "profile" as a work
around, but I don't know much about profiles in Word and how I would go about
trying to rename them




I found the solution posted in another thread. Yipeeee! My spell checking
works again!


Start Regedit and goto the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing

I had 2 entries (DLL and LEX) pointing to non-existing files.

Rename these to oldDLL and oldLEX.

After this change all Spell Checking worked normal again.

Hopes this helps you as well.


Hey I have the same problem as you Fred,yet i also tried the solution below,but
I can only find up to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared
Tools\1.0" and I do not see the Override/en-US ,but see Custom dictionaries and Office.
Any idea >_<?


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