Word Crashing after updates


Chris Green


My office application was running great when I thought I would do a
bit of housekeeping and update the software from the Mactopia website.

Unfortunately i should have had my head examined instead as I should
have guessed that linking to Microsoft would screw up my system.

I down loaded all updates and did as the easy install suggested as I
am not a computer expert and now all applications work except word.
This is a bit disappointing as the software in the UK costs close on
£400 ($600).

Anybody know how to fix this and please bear in mind I am not a techy.



Jim Gordon

Hi Chris,

Give the Google "Groups" search engine a try to see whether your problem has
already been solved in the newsgroups.

If the answer is not already there, please post a follow-up message in this
same thread (reply to the newsgroup) with the details about how Word is
misbehaving. Also include details as to which updates were installed, and
whether or not you used Disk Utility First Aid to repair permissions after
you ran the update.


-Jim Gordon

All responses should be made to this newsgroup within the same thread.

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Considine & Griffiths


My office application was running great when I thought I would do a
bit of housekeeping and update the software from the Mactopia website.

Unfortunately i should have had my head examined instead as I should
have guessed that linking to Microsoft would screw up my system.

I down loaded all updates and did as the easy install suggested as I
am not a computer expert and now all applications work except word.
This is a bit disappointing as the software in the UK costs close on
£400 ($600).

Anybody know how to fix this and please bear in mind I am not a techy.



1. From my experience, don't update beyond the 10.1.3 update for office...

2. to undo your update, drag your templates out of the Office Folder (in
Applications) to somewhere else on your disk, ie the Desktop. -- this will
save all your templates and the 'normal' template that stores your settings.

3. Drag the office folder to the trash

4. Insert your office CD and drag the office folder to your applications

5. Get the templates folder that you put on the desktop and drag it into
the office folder (ie the new installation of office) and click ok to
replace the existing templates folder.

6. Done - you won't need to type in the serial number again, this is stored

7. You could run the updates up to 10.1.3 again, 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 only
serve to stuff things up...


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