404 page not found



I'm using FrontPage to publish and my host is a Microsoft (I assume IIS)
Server. How do I set up a custom 404 error page. I've just moved my site
from an apache server to this new server. On the apache server it was done
through the .htaccess file.


Stefan B Rusynko

Depends on your host and if they allow you access to the IIS control panel

| I'm using FrontPage to publish and my host is a Microsoft (I assume IIS)
| Server. How do I set up a custom 404 error page. I've just moved my site
| from an apache server to this new server. On the apache server it was done
| through the .htaccess file.
| Thanks

Jon Spivey

In most cases you can set this through your control panel - basically
there's a list of HTTP error codes and you can specify custom pages for
any/all of them If it's not a control panel option email your host and ask.
Once you've this set up in IIS it's just a case of making your custom error
page(s) like you would any other page. Only difference is you'll need to
make any links in your error pages relative to your site root, eg <a
href="/folder/page.htm">page</a> or <img src="/images/pic.gif"> It's a good
idea to make a custom page for 500 errors (server/code error) as well as
404s. You can also log the error to a database and/or send yourself an email
when an error occurs. If you log 404s for favicon.ico you can also get a
measure of how many users add you to their favourites.


Thanks Jon (and Stefan in separate message).

I finally discovered from my hosting company that calling it error404.htm
and putting it in the root does the trick so I'm half way there. Now I've
got a custom page and links to the site map, search page etc.

But Jon - now you've opened a can of worms! Now I want it all! :)

How do I:
1. send myslef an email with the link that the surfer tried to open (that
returned 404) ?
2. log 404s for favicon.ico ?

I think that my host actually lists the favicon.ico as a not found page in
my statistics. I didn't realize that this was because people were adding the
page to their favorites?

Also why would I want a 500 custom error page? And what would I put on this
page that would help me or the surfer?

Thanks for all your help.

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