Add data to cell w/o loosing initial data



I would like to know if there is a way to add data to data without retyping.
For example I have a colum of 18015555555 and I want to add [rfax:(cell
#)@/fn=(phone number)] So I would like to add the brackets - copy from a
cell - @/fn= and not loose the data already in the spread sheet. Example 2.
Add [rfax:company name@fn/=(saved data here) then close bracket.

So I want to add data to cells without loosing the data already in the
cells. I have about 600 of them to do and I really don't want to do each one
by hand.

Please let me know if anyone knows how to accomplish this.


Myrna Larson

Assuming the phone number is in B2, the word "Company" in A2, you can create
the text you want with this formula ="[rfax:"&A2&" name@fn/="&B2

Copy this down as far as needed. To convert the formulas to their values,
Edit/Copy the formulas, then Edit/Paste Special over the formulas or in a new
column, selecting the VAlues option.

Peo Sjoblom

You could try

="[rfax:company name@fn/=("&A1&")"


="[rfax:company name@fn/="&TEXT(A1,"(00000000000)")

the latter will give you a better way of formatting it as a phone number for

="[rfax:company name@fn/="&TEXT(A1,"([<=9999999]###-####;(###) ###-####)")

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