AutoCAD 2004 compatibility with Visio 2002


Bob Plouffe

I frequently need to paste or embed architectural plans
from AutoCAD into my Visio 2002 drawings. I currently use
AutoCAD LT 97 (R14 file format), but need to upgrade to
AutoCAD 2004 for file compatibility with other AutoCAD
users. Does anyone know if Visio 2002 will be able to
recognize imported drawings or objects in the AutoCAD 2004
file format?

H.Vedvyas Choubay

Hello Bob,

Open the AutoCAD fiel in AutoCAD 2004 and save this file in in AutoCAD 2000
format. Then you can past or embed the plans as required into Visio 2002 by
selectin the objects from the Auto CAD 2000 file format.


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