can you baseline a task?


DJ Huff

I noticed that a new task I inserted into a plan after baselining the plan is
not calculated into EV. How should I handle this? I cannot imagine having
to re-baseline after every time I add a new task. Can a single task be
baselined so that it will now figure into EV calculations?

Jim Aksel

1. Select the new task(s) for adding to the baseline.
2. Tools/Tracking/save Baseline...
3. In the dialog box you are allowed to select "Selected Tasks" which will
only change the baseline of those selected tasks.

** Be sure to select the appropriate check boxes for rollup **
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:

Jon Smith

If you check the boxes for Summary rollups as Jim has described, your EV
calculations will be correct for your task summaries, however, they will not
be correct on the resource summaries in either the resource usage left hand
panel or the summary rows for each resource by the calendar display on the
right hand side (the individual resource assignments will be correct).

To see a quick view of this problem, create a plan with 1 summary row and 2
tasks, giving your resource 4 hours for task 1 and 6 hours for task2.
Baseline your plan, then come back and add a task 3 for 10 hours. On your
task sheet, your baseline work will be 20 hours, as expected, but when you go
to your resource usage view and insert Baseline work, it will show 10 hours.
If you insert Baseline work into the calendar portion, that summary row will
show 10 hours for your resource and not 20. This is caused by the the fact
that the summary rows are stored values and not rollup calculated values and
is why you can type values in the baseline fields.

To correct this, you must copy and paste the baseline details by each
resource in the time interval you must report on for EV, such as weeks or
months, then use Excel's data sub-totaling feature to get the correct summary
data. You then have to paste the new baseline data back in twice, once for
each side of the resource usage. If you are audited for your EV numbers, you
will need to ensure that the task totals match the resource totals and they
won't unless you fix this.

If you are a member of MPUG/MPA, there is an article I wrote that spells out
the detailed steps on their web site that you can download. You can create
an Office macro that will accomplish the entire process so that it becomes an
automatic process and then embed it into an icon. If you have a large
project plan and are audited, it will be worth the investment time to learn
how to fix this and to learn how to create macros if you don't already know.

Sorry for the long answer, but being a many year veteran of governmental EV
systems, I'm painfully aware of the problem and it is quite thorny. Hope
this helps!

Jon Smith

Gérard Ducouret


I'm a member of MPUG/MPA but I don't find your article, while I would be
interesed in it.
Could you tell me where and how I can reach it?
Thanks in advance

Gérard Ducouret
MVP, MCP, MPUG Member ;-)

Jon Smith

I checked and they've removed the older issues since they converted back to
MPUG. They are planning on posting them back, but I can send you a copy via
email if you let me know your account.

Gérard Ducouret

Thanks a lot Jon,

My email address is ducouret dot gerard at free dot fr

Gérard Ducouret
Paris - France

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