Converting large WordPerfect documents to Word



I have many large technical documents that are in WP format. These documents
also have very specific formatting requirements, not the general outline list
contained in Word. I need to convert them to Word 2003. I have read up on
styles and templates and would like to pull these documents into a template
that uses styles instead of direct formatting to make the documents easy to
edit later on. I am not sure how to do I have to remove all the
codes from the WP documents and then manually assign the style to each
paragragh or section in the Word document. Am I going about this correctly?
Any thoughts on how to accomplish the conversion so I have a well-structured
new document would be appreciated.

I am using Word 2003 and converting from WP 11


Oh, boy - what fun! First, from Word 2003, browse to one of the wordperfect
documents and click open and let it do it's conversion thing to see what
results you will get. You may lose much of your original formatting. If it
stays intact you're in luck. You can highlight headings that you have
applied direct formatting to (unless it's outline numbered - in that case,
build your styles from scratch and apply them.) and then from the styles
menu, choose "new style". Give your style a name, and it will adopt the
settings of whatever you have highlighted. Then highlight that heading again
and apply the new style. I've certainly oversimplified this process here, so
if you have any trouble let me know and I can provide more detail. Good luck
on your big task!


I think I understand what you mean, and it makes sense. Will I have to do
that for each document? There is quite a bit of outlines/indenting going on
in each document, so do I have to create the "new style" in each document?


No. That's the beauty of styles! Once you get your styles created, you can
do what I call "Stealing Styles" to copy them into each document.
Stealing Styles:
1. From the document that's doing the stealing - choose Tools > Templates
and ad-ins
2. Click on the Organizer button
3. On the right-hand side of the pop-up window click on the Close File
button twice to browse to the document that has styles that you want.
4. Highlight the styles you want (CNTRL + Click) and then click on the Copy
Now those styles will be in your document so you'll just need to "apply"
them individual throughout your document.


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