Database corruption



I can open the database file the first time, but I don't see any tables. If
I close the file and try to reopen it I get:
1) "The database _filename_ needs to be repaired or isn't a database file."
2) Click button to try to repair the file
3) "Unrecognized database format _filename_"
4) "The database _filename_ can't be repaired or isn't a Microsoft Office
Access database file."
5) "Unrecognized database format _filename_"

I have tried to use "Tools -> Database Utilities -> Compact and Repair
Database..." but I get the same messages stated above.

I've downloaded and tried to use the JETCOMP.exe utility, still no luck.
All I get is "Error compacting database."

I have also tried "Tools -> Options -> View" and checking Show "Hidden
objects" and "System objects". But still nothing shows up in the Tables
(just "Create table in Design View," "Create table by using wizard," and
"Create table by entering data).

I have only the Microsoft Access 2003 version on my computer, msjet40.dll
version 4.0.8618.0

Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


Tom Wickerath

Hi Yuki,

It sounds like your database is hopelessly corrupted. The easiest fix will
be to restore from your last backed-up copy. Hopefully, you make frequent

Here are two excellent articles that provide common causes of JET database

Preventing Corruption (Allen Browne)

Corrupt Microsoft Access MDBs FAQ

If you do not have a backup copy, and your data is absolutely critical to
recover, do not do anything more to your database. You need to contact a data
recovery professional as soon as possible. Peter Miller is widely known in
this group for data recovery services:



I can open the database file the first time, but I don't see any tables. If
I close the file and try to reopen it I get:
1) "The database _filename_ needs to be repaired or isn't a database file."
2) Click button to try to repair the file
3) "Unrecognized database format _filename_"
4) "The database _filename_ can't be repaired or isn't a Microsoft Office
Access database file."
5) "Unrecognized database format _filename_"

I have tried to use "Tools -> Database Utilities -> Compact and Repair
Database..." but I get the same messages stated above.

I've downloaded and tried to use the JETCOMP.exe utility, still no luck.
All I get is "Error compacting database."

I have also tried "Tools -> Options -> View" and checking Show "Hidden
objects" and "System objects". But still nothing shows up in the Tables
(just "Create table in Design View," "Create table by using wizard," and
"Create table by entering data).

I have only the Microsoft Access 2003 version on my computer, msjet40.dll
version 4.0.8618.0

Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


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