Database Errors and Can't Install service pack - Please Help



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel

1. I upgraded to OSX 10.6
2. When I load Word or Excel or Power Point I get "There is a problem with the Database"
3. I follow the steps to do a rebuild. It tells me its done but the moving bar only gets about 80% of the way to the right and freezes.
4. This does not fix the problem
5. I check for updates, the Service Pack 12.1 comes up and looks for a long time for my hard drive (searching for additional disks)!
6. When I choose my hard drive, I get the following message. "Office 2008 SP1 Update (12.1.0) can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume."

Please help as this seems a big mess. I do not use Entourage at all.


Diane Ross

1. I upgraded to OSX 10.6

Be sure to update to 10.6.1. This has fixed many issues for some folks. You
can also reinstall Snow Leopard over your current install like a combo. You
will have to update it.
2. When I load Word or Excel or Power Point I get "There is a problem with the

Try moving the Microsoft User Data folder to the desktop. Now open Word or
Excel. Still have problems?

If yes, then Testing in a new User will quickly tell you if the problem is
system wide or if it¹s your User¹s folder that contains the problem. Go to
System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the New User
by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test Office there.

If no, then you can drag back important files from the moved Microsoft User
Data folder like your Normal template.
3. I follow the steps to do a rebuild. It tells me its done but the moving bar
only gets about 80% of the way to the right and freezes.

If you don't use Entourage, then there is no data to rebuild. I'm hoping the
new Microsoft User Data folder works.
4. This does not fix the problem
5. I check for updates, the Service Pack 12.1 comes up and looks for a long
time for my hard drive (searching for additional disks)!
6. When I choose my hard drive, I get the following message. "Office 2008 SP1
Update (12.1.0) can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software
required to install this update was not found on this volume."
What version is the Microsoft Component Plugin? Was Office installed and
updated prior to the upgrade to Snow Leopard?

Did you restart your computer between updates? See this link for ways to fix
this problem.

Error: "there was nothing to update"



I am working thru your response. Re: step 2 I don't know what you mean by "the Microsoft User Data folder". I can't find it anywhere under the Microsoft Office 2008 application. Where should it be?

Diane Ross

I am working thru your response. Re: step 2 I don't know what you mean by "the
Microsoft User Data folder". I can't find it anywhere under the Microsoft
Office 2008 application. Where should it be?

It's in your Documents folder.

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/your identity

This is were all your mail is stored.

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