Deleting positions from synchronized copies of Org Charts



I have created an organization chart and have synchronized copies of various
departments. However, when I delete a position from one of the copies, it
does not update the main diagram - even after I select Hide and Expand
Subordinates. The same thing occurs if I delete the position from the
original diagram - it still shows on the copies even after hiding and
expanding subordinates.

I did some searching on Microsoft's website and found the following:
"For example, if you delete a position from a synchronized copy, only that
shape on that page is deleted. Synchronized copies on other pages are
unchanged. However, you can subsequently update the synchronized copies on
other pages by clicking the Expand Subordinates command."

This implies to me that I should be able to delete a position on one page,
go to another page and Expand Subordinates, and that position will disappear
from the other page as well.

What am I missing? Does the synchronization not work for deleting
positions... just adding positions?


Well, the help file seems to imply that the expand function will update a
sync copy if a shape has been deleted, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

You might want to contact Microsoft help directly, or perhaps one of the
Visio contributors will catch this post and respond.


James W.

Actually “Synchronize Employees shapes across pages†is designed to update
the text, shape data and pictures for the shapes. It is not designed to
update the deleting, moving or modification of shapes. If you add a shape to
a copy synchronized drawing it only shows up on that drawing not the others.
Other changes that only show up on the page are changes to the position type,
hiding subordinates, hiding pictures or delete shapes. This is what is
stated in the help flies however it did not always seem to be the case. There
were a few times in which I made changes to the original drawing and you
could collapse and expand the copies and it would update, then it would
simply stop working. What I did find to work consistently is to make changes
to the original then, remove the old copies and create new synchronized

James W.

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