.DWT's - Dynamic Web Template


Cerebral Believer

I have a Dynamic Web Template and not all the pages that have this DWT
attached are at the same level of the directory structure. This creates a
problem, in that mouse-over/roll-over images do not display correctly. The
way I have coded the mouse-over/roll-over images, it seems that the original
file shows ok, but as soon as I mouse-over the image, it dissapears and I
get an X, which remains on mouse out.

Other than not putting the images in a non editable region, what other
soloutions could there be to this? I am reluctant to use multiple DWT's
because then I would have to update them all to apply site wide changes...


Kevin Spencer

Use a root-relative URL to the images. A root-relative URL begins with a '/'
which indicates the root folder of the web.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Software Composer

A watched clock never boils.


In the JavaScript, use root relative or absolute paths to the images.
Root relative:
<img src="/images/image.gif">

<img src="http://www.example.com/images/image.gif">

Neither of the above will display correctly in a disc-based web, the second
will only display correctly if the images are on the server, and you have
an open internet connection.

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