Efficiency Question


Steve S

What is more efficient, 2 DLookups (method X) or 1Dlookup and a Right()
and a Left() (method Y).

What I currently have is the table below and I use method Y and break out
the right 3 characters from field D and then the 3 left characters.

1 2 9 130-200
1 0 1 030-200
2 3 3 150-210
2 2 2 130-200
2 0 1 030-200
2 4 9 220-230

Would it be better to break field M into 2 fields -Mright and Mleft- and use
2 Dlookups. Or does it even make any difference?

Allen Browne

I still use them occassionaly, David.

Particularly when I need an updatable query.

ErezM via AccessMonster.com

1 dlookup to retreive the whole field, and then right(x,2) and left(x,3), is
much faster than 2 dlookups
but, if you have use for the seperate values anyway, consider splitting them
in the table (and add them back together only for displaying purposes)


David W. Fenton

Allen Browne said:
I still use them occassionaly, David.

Particularly when I need an updatable query.

Subqueries can often be used to avoid that problem, though they
might not be optimized (calls to DLookup() in each row can't be
optimized, either).

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