Error message 3260



Hi. I posted this earlier but there's been a new development, so I'm reposting with the additional information.

I'm using Entourage 2008 on OS 10.5.1 and suddenly having a problem picking up and sending my email. I don't have an Exchange account and in fact I can't with this educational version of Office. I am definitely connected to the internet, and I haven't changed any settings at all. The error message I get reads:

Error: -3260, Entourage cannot connect to the server. Verify that your computer is connected to the network.

Initially I could still send email. The problem went away briefly but came back worse, i.e., now I can neither pick up nor send.

Could somebody please walk me through how to fix this? I haven't been able to find a knowledge base document or forum explanation that deals with the problem in 2008 where there is no exchange account involved, and I'm not computer savvy enough to extrapolate from what I have found.


Diane Ross

Hi. I posted this earlier but there's been a new development, so I'm reposting
with the additional information.

I'm using Entourage 2008 on OS 10.5.1 and suddenly having a problem picking up
and sending my email. I don't have an Exchange account and in fact I can't
with this educational version of Office. I am definitely connected to the
internet, and I haven't changed any settings at all. The error message I get

First download the combo 10.5.2 updater. Restart and Repair Permissions.
Test to see if this fixed your problem.

Mac OS X 10.5.2 Combo Update

Error: -3260, Entourage cannot connect to the server. Verify that your
computer is connected to the network.

Initially I could still send email. The problem went away briefly but came
back worse, i.e., now I can neither pick up nor send.

Could somebody please walk me through how to fix this? I haven't been able to
find a knowledge base document or forum explanation that deals with the
problem in 2008 where there is no exchange account involved, and I'm not
computer savvy enough to extrapolate from what I have found.

Let's make sure you have your account set up as a POP account not an IMAP
account. Open the Account window under Tools in the Menu bar. After the name
it indicates the type of account. IMAP accounts access a server.

1. If you can receive but not send then you have a bad SMTP configuration
2. If you can send but not receive you have a bad POP or IMAP configuration

You can try re-entering info.
You can delete account and create a new one.
Using copy/paste can result in an extra space being added. Type carefully.
Check your Keychain for corruption.

If all of this fails, I would create a new Identity in Entourage and enter
your account info there and test. If it works then your database is the
fault. You could try rebuilding first. If that fails start fresh with a new

How to manually move your data from one version to another:



Thanks Diane. In the meantime the problem went away on its own again. I updated to OS 10.5.2 nonetheless and I guess I'll hold off on the other steps for now.

Diane Ross

Thanks Diane. In the meantime the problem went away on its own again. I
updated to OS 10.5.2 nonetheless and I guess I'll hold off on the other steps
for now.

Let us know if the problem returns.

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