Gannt Chart Time Line



Hello everyone,

My problem today is in the Gannt Chart Timeline. What I'm having happe
is that I set up my gannt chart with predecessors and successor
manually and I have the arrows connecting each one. Now I'm wanting t
completely redo my time line and dates but I can't seem to get my date
for each task to go away.

Things I have tried...

Deleting the dates.
Deleting the bars on the graph
Redoing the dates with predecessors and successors to no avail.

Anyways I would really like to keep my Task Names, Durations, an
Resource Names the same while resetting the dates so I can completel
redo them.

thanks for the suggestions


Mike Glen

Hi Joey,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

If you have entered the Tasks, Duration and Predecessors (logic) links, then
Project will do what it's designed to do - provide you with a schedule of
dates that is possible with the data you've entered. If you enter or alter
the dates it will cause a constraints to be added which will affect the
flexibility of your Project - so don't do it! If you are not getting what
you want, then you need to reconsider the Durations or, better still, assign
resources and more resources to decrease the Durations. Trust Project's
calculations and adjust your Data if the dates are not acceptable.

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


My main problem is that I put the durations up and then I basically
manually put the blue bars on the gannt chart up myself..I didn't do
predecessors or successors..

No what I'm seeing is the blue bars with arrows pointing at other blue
bars that I set up myself.

I don't know how to get rid of these arrows on the time line so that I
can redo the whole scheduling using Projects calculations..

Mike Glen

Hi Joey,

I really do suggest you read my tutorials! If you move the bars manually,
Project records the beginning and end of the bar by inserting the
appropriate Start and Finish dates. Furthermore, Project assumes you know
what you're doing and enters a "Start No Earlier Than" constraint, which
reduces the flexibility of Project - don't fiddle with the bars!

Project thinks it's being helpful in that it will automatically create a
logic link when you insert or move a bar. I strongly recommend you remove
this "feature" via Tools/Options.../Schedule tab and uncheck "Autolink
inserted or moved tasks". This feature is a real pain! Now you can enter
the logic links you want.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


Hey thanks for all the help..

I used the tutorials quite a bit and have given them all top ratings
due to their clarity and user friendliness.. have a nice day :)

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