High CPU Utilization MS OneNote 2003 SP2



Hi - I'm on a tablet PC with 2 GB RAM and a 1.8GHz CPU, Windows XP SP2 Tablet
Edition. I am a part-time graduate student. I've been using OneNote 2003 SP2
for a while, but just this semester have intensively recorded audio along
with one of my classes.

It appears to be a more recent occurence, that when I start getting too many
notes on a particular page of a section, everything slows while the CPU gets
pegged. Now, I'm cramming a lot of funky info/symbols on a single page, and
am writing as a graphic. Let's say I decide to flip the pen and attempt to
erase something. Now, the CPU shoots up to 100% utilization (if it wasn't
there already) and the most recent text I've written begins to erase in
reverse, character by character, until ? or the CPU usage drops off.
Scrolling up or down or switching sections demonstrates latency.

If you switch sections and then switch back, then try to erase, you're fine
(though the CPU still shoots up). Also, in leiu of that, if you just waited a
while (without switching sections), you'd see the same successful, but slow

Blank pages write fine.

The .ONE file is ~12MB in size. Most pages within the section contain about
an hour of audio (files on the order of 6MB). I have no 'blank' or 'small'
audio files (a KB solution).

Lastly, I've shut down all applications on the PC, where when idle -- cpu is
very low. On the order of 600 MB free. I've also run AdAdaware and SpyBot S&D
anti-spyware utilities.

I've begun the download of OneNote beta 2007, with hopes that it will be
more capable of handling the extensive notes on a single page.

Any thoughts on this? Should I be increasing the amount of memory available
to the app? If so, how do I do that?

Any help's appreciated!


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