IE7 causes FILE ERROR:data may have been lost Excel 2000



After installing and uninstalling IE7 twice I cannot open a Excel documents
without getting the error message and closes Excel, with this info.
AppName: excel.exe
AppVer: ModName: excel.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0005d0c8

can anybody shed some light for me

Art MacNeil

I don't have a solution for you but I just installed IE 7.0 last night and
have had no problems with my Excel 2003...yet.



I am also experiencing this problem and have reverted back to IE6.
Problem disappeared immediately.
Tried dropping the Macro Security to Low - but that didn't fix it.
Will wait for MS to sort out this problem before upgrading.

Jerry Baldwin

I believe this is an issue if you have any web or vb controls on your excel
document. I am curious if the excel file you were trying to open has any of
these on it?

Jerry Baldwin


I ran into the same problem with Excel 2000 after installing IE7. After
I had removed IE7, the problem was gone. The files concerned all had
images with web links in them. I had applied all updates to IE7, Windows
XP and Office 2000, so apparently MS has not fixed this problem yet. For
many weeks, my IE7 installation failed consistently, until I upgraded
Java Runtime to version 6. IE7 seems to be one of the worst browsers
ever seeing the light of day. It'll be a long time before I touch it
again, if ever.

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