Importing multiple XML files


Doug Schmidt

This is my first real experience with XML imports. I've been trying to get
it to work for some time now, but the results are always the same. I've been
through the help instructions at least ten times now and am surely missing

I have quite a number of individual xml data files all with the same elements.
- I am clicked on a field that is not mapped.
- I select Import from the Developer Tab
- I select several files and click Import

One file is imported and a message box appears indicating the remainder did
not transfer. I've pretty much ruled out the possibility that this is a
problem with the xml files. The same problem occurs no matter what
combination of files I attempt to import.

Up till now, the problem was pretty much academic. Now it is a matter of
some urgency as a client CFO needs the data in usable form. Help would be
greatly appreciated!

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