Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid 2007



What is "Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid 2007" and why is my machine
running it? (Background: I originally had a Dell XPS710 with Windows XP and
Office Small Business 2003, then upgraded to Vista Home Premium and Office
Professional 2007)

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Office Professional Hybrid 2007 is an OEM medialess SKU. Basically, the OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer -- the computer manufacturer, for all
intents and purposes) can make one drive image with the Hybrid SKU, and the
customer would activate one of these 4 Office options, depending on which
key they are given/purchase:

1. Office Basic + Office Pro 60 day trial. (The Pro features and apps go
into reduced functionality mode after 60 days. But the Office Basic apps /
features would continue to work.)

2. Office Small Business Edition + Office Pro 60 day trial. (Same as
above -- the Pro features/apps go into reduced functionality after 60 days,
but the SBE apps/features continue to work.)

3. Office Pro (the full installed Office Pro)

4. Office Pro 60 day trial.

So the "Office Professional Hybrid" is not something that an individual
would have access to.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Desktop Experience -
Windows Vista Enthusiast


What is "Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid 2007" and why is my machine
running it? (Background: I originally had a Dell XPS710 with Windows XP and
Office Small Business 2003, then upgraded to Vista Home Premium and Office
Professional 2007)

Kent Johnson

I am interested in this question as well. Every time I start PowerPoint, I
see two dialog boxes:

"Preparing to install.."
"Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid

What is Office Professional Hybrid? How can I eliminate these dialogs and
the associated delay?


Graeme Rawlins

SBS2003 with Outlook 2003, new Dell laptop Win XP and Office 2007.
I am experiencing the same delays - it is trying to install (repeatedly) and asks to reboot, each time I run Outlook. How do I complete or defeat this?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Same as what?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, Graeme Rawlins asked:

| SBS2003 with Outlook 2003, new Dell laptop Win XP and Office 2007.
| I am experiencing the same delays - it is trying to install
| (repeatedly) and asks to reboot, each time I run Outlook. How do I
| complete or defeat this?


I have this hybrid message, none the less. My Dell XPS Vista lags all the
time with this 'hybrid' install message. It happens in every application.
Sometimes the whole app, like Outlook, stops responding while this
meaningless configuration happens 10 times a day. I want to get it off my
machine. How


I too have a problem with the message that others in this thread mentio
(below). It pops up every time I start/run a MS Office 2007 applicatio
(Outlook, Word, Powerpoint, Access) and I have to sit and wait until i
finishes running through the install before I can proceed to the task
want to do, which can really slow down work flow.

"Preparing to install.."
"Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office Professiona

The MS Office Pro 2007 suite came pre-installed on a new Dell XP
running Vista Ultimate (02/08). The MS Office applications worked fin
until late April when the hybrid message started popping up for no know

I was wondering if anyone came up with an easy way to stop the messag
from popping up every time? Is the only solution to uninstall/reinstal
MS Office Pro 2007?

Many thanks for any help offered.
EL Gree


I've read the rest of the post and didn't found a solution the the Hybrid
install sh!t.

So is there a way or not, how to avoid getting the the hybrid install msg?

I experience this everytime I receive a power point file through email. When
openning it get the msg about Office Pro Hybrid 07 being installed... I would
expect it to happen once but not every time. So I guessing it installs
something and when I close the power point file it uninstalls ???

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