Migration from Project Server 2003 to 2007



I'm trying to do an in-place migration of Project Server 2003 to
2007. I've got WSS upgraded to 3.0 and the old WSS and Project Server
install is still working. I've got Project Server 2007 installed now
and I'm reading the MS document talking about the migration process.
One step says that I need to provision a new Project Web Access site.
Now, I've got an existing "ProjectServer" virtual running on my
default web site already. I assume I will create a new virtual (maybe
called "PWA"). I'm confused at that point. Does this get added as a
virtual to my existing website or do I need to extend\create and new
application and create a new virtual. I assume if I do the latter,
that I would have to run it on another port (say 81) or can I
provision it on the default website keeping it on port 80. If so, I
guess I don't know how to provision it on the same website.

Could someone assist?

Thanks, Chris

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