Order Totals (From Expression) on summary report




I need to create a Summary report that lists a stack or Purchase Orders that
were created within a date range. The PO's are created in Access, with a
Subform that houses the Line Item details, and a Query is used to bring a sum
of the Line total (Quantity x Cost) back to the main Order form.

I need to take this Total Cost of each Order, to print in a single line on
the summary form, that is sent with the invoices attached to accounts. I
can't for the life of me, figure out how to take the Purchase Order total
cost (which is an expression from a query and not stored in a field) and add
it to a line item on the summary report.

The Purchase Order form, and line items from the sub form, are stored in
separate tables, linked by PO_ID. POD_ID in the subform table matches the
PO_ID from the main form, but allows duplicates.

I am using Access 2003, and all help and assistance would be greatly

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