Outlook-Hotmail sending and receiving error 0x80040126



Like several other posters here within the last 24 hours, I'm also
suddenly unable to send/receive Hotmail messages via the Outlook
Connector in Outlook 2003. I see the following error:

"Task '********@hotmail.com - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x80040126) : 'The operation cannot be performed because the
connection to the server is offline.'"

All worked fine until yesterday. No changes or updates have been made
to Outlook, Windows XP, etc.

Hotmail server problems?


I just posted the same problem/error message with my msn account. What's
interesting is that I have a another e-mail address I use through outlook
that is working fine.


I've also had the same problem with my MSN, and it started after I downloaded
the latest Windows update on Tuesday night. I have called my DSL provider
and they tried several things, but thought it was a Windows issue. I have
been frustrated by the lack of information and help with resolving this
problem. Any input would be greately appreciated.


I'm posting this same message in a few threads so the word gets out...read

I just got off the phone with Outlook Tech Support. Apparently the MSN
servers have been having some issues for the past couple of days. It only
affects certain accounts (but I did not understand why). Anyways, the long
and short of it is...You may be able to fix it right now or it may take an
additional 24 hours to resolve, she said it's hit and miss. In either case,
here is what Tech support said you need to do:
1. Remove your msn connector under add & remove programs in the control panel.
2. Staying in add or remove programs click on MSN and change/remove and
re-download the Microsoft Office Outlook Connector.
3. In outlook, remove your e-mail account and then re-add it.

On mine it did sink all my e-mails into outlook initially but still won't
receive any new e-mails. If it does not work we are supposed to try again in
24 hours. The upside (if there is one) is that they are aware of the issue!

Good luck to all.


Thanks, Jason. I just got off with Microsoft MSN Support. As of
Saturday, Oct 14 2:53pm PST, no update yet as to when they will have
the issue fixed. They are working on it. They report that when it is
fixed emails will begin arriving as they had in the past using outlook
connector. Good luck!

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