Project professional 2003 connect to project server 2003?



I don't want to login winows with demain user, just login local PC.

I can do my work in pwa correctly using demain user. Using demain user How
to set 'Microsoft Office Project Server Accounts' and 'Collaborate option' in
'Project professional 2003'?

Jonathan Sofer

1) Go to Start>Program Files>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Office
Tools>Microsoft Office Project Server Accounts
2) Change setting to "Manually control connection state"
2) Add a new account
3) Specify the Name, URL
4) Specify "Use a Project Server account:
5) Click OK and OK

As for Collaboration, Project Server accounts do not synch with SharePoint.
SharePoint is designed to to be more fully integrated with Windows

But you can change collaboration settings under Tools>Options>Collaboration
once logged onto the system.


Jonathan, thank for your help.

I want to connect project server using demain account, not using Project
Server account.
And I don't login this demain when windows starting, but login local pc
using Administrator.

Jonathan Sofer

Youn can log onto PWA using a different domain account in PS 2003 but not
Project Professional. In PWA use the login options ..., And maybe if you
log onto PWas another user, you can then attempt to open a project from
Project Center. This might then open project pro via Project Center using
the domain account you logged into PWA with.

You also might try managing passwords under Start>Control Panel>User
Accounts, in the Advanced tab. Specify the server name and then the
username and password you wish to pass it when you access that server

BTW, PS 2007 does have the ability out of the box to log onto Project Pro
using a different domain account than the one you use to log onto the PC.

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