Search parts of a spreadsheet


Arne Hegefors

I try to search part of a spreadsheet for a certain word. The code is:

Set rng1 = Worksheets("Beräkning").Cells.Find("Segment", LookIn:=xlValues)

Set rng5 = Worksheets("Beräkning").Range(Cells(rng1.Row, 1), Cells(3000,
100)).Find("Security ID", LookIn:=xlValues)

the first search works fine but the second does not. It is the Range(.. the
gives me problem it works without. However I have skipped some parts of the
code and it is necessary that I search only a certain area. How are you
supposed to write this? I really would appreciate help!!!!!!


Simply hide the rows and columns you don't want it to search into. This
can be done by code. You the Unhide them.

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