seraching a certain range


Arne Hegefors

I search parts of a spreadsheet for certain words etc. My code looks like:

Set searchRange = Range(Cells(rng5.Row, 1), Cells(rng5.Row, 100))
Set rng2 = Worksheets("Beräkning").Range(searchRange.Address).Find("Date",

and this works fine. I just wonder is it not possible to write the code in a
shorter way by writing something like eg.

Set rng2 = Worksheets("Beräkning").searchRange.Find("Date", LookIn:=xlValues)

It does not work for me when I write it like that. what am i doing wrong?


If the first way works then use it.

Re-factoring for the sake of it (i.e. to use less lines/words) is no
worth it.

Re-factor to chop up re-usable code, create classes etc

Don Guillett

a bit simpler perhaps
End With

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