Styles between Mac Word 2004 and PC Word 2008



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

I am working on a very long document on my Mac laptop with Mac Office 2004. I spent a lot of time creating custom styles.

I just bought MSN Office 2008 for my Windows PC.
It includes Publisher.

I just opened my word.doc in Word 2008 and Publisher 2008 and it looks like I have to re-create all my styles again? They don't transfer?
Can I get this confirmed or is there a way to import Styles?

Second question: I like using my Mac laptop to work on my project while out of the home. Eventually, I need to put the document on my PC to use Publisher 2008 for layout and Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF file. Am I asking for trouble by working on my project between the two computers? Will things be messed up and changes not transfer over easily?

I understand I need to download a free file convertor for my Mac to open the Office 2008 document.

I can just limit all my work to my PC but it's a shame as I spend a lot of time out of the home and it would be better spent editing my document with my Mac laptop

Daiya Mitchell

It's not really clear what you are trying to do, or why you say the
styles are not there.

Styles are carried within a document. A document using custom styles
created in MacWord 2004 will have the same custom styles when you open
it in WinWord 2007. If the style looks different, perhaps the two
computers do not have the same fonts. Alternatively, it could be a
problem with the document or the way you set it up. You'd need to give
more detail about exactly what you did and what you see, if that's the

If your question is that you created a bunch of custom styles in MacWord
and you want to be able to open a brand new doc in WinWord and have all
those custom styles available to use, that's a different issue.

I don't know anything about Publisher, so can't help you there--you'll
need to ask Win users about the transition from WinWord 2007 to
Publisher. You should be fine to move a document between MacWord 2004
and WinWord 2007, for the most part, but you are probably better off
just keeping it as a .doc file, rather than constantly converting
between .doc and .docx. WinWord 2007 will use .doc fine.


Thanks for the great help. I think the problem lies in that both computers don't necessarily share all the same fonts. So, the document looked different. I have to dig in and compare the fonts between the two computers now.

Thanks again.

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