Sync Error



hi all

I have read this thread several times with interest.

I have Vista Ulitmate on my desktop and Vista Preminum on my laptop.

the problem in this thread is "EXACTLY" the problem that am

if I've got this correct, when I work on my desktop if I sync "BEFORE"
between my 2 computers then do any changes on the desktop then sync
that night or the morning after deleted pages "WILL NOT" reappear.

is this the "SAME" if I work on my desktop do changes for 1 to 2 days
then sync
to my laptop.

all help and advice greatly appreciated and I thank all for your help
and guidance
in advance.

thank you thank you.


Rainald Taesler

I have read this thread several times with interest.

Which thread are you referring to?
Your posting comes stand-alone.
I have Vista Ulitmate on my desktop and Vista Preminum on my laptop.

the problem in this thread is "EXACTLY" the problem that am

Are the devices connected?
Or do you work with the data in a USC stick?
if I've got this correct, when I work on my desktop if I sync "BEFORE"
working between my 2 computers then do any changes on the desktop
then sync that night or the morning after deleted pages "WILL NOT"

Of the two devices are connected (via LAN wir WLAN) normally no extra
synching is necessary. The notebooks in both devices will automatically
be synched whenever and as long as they are reconnected.
Different with a stick.
Normally the data are also synched when the stick is inserted. But to
make sure that everything is OK one should synch the computer with the
stick prior to start working and when dine with working.
is this the "SAME" if I work on my desktop do changes for 1 to 2 days
then sync to my laptop.

Sorry, I do not really understand your question. Could you pls explain a
bit more?


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