There is #error in the field


Frank Situmorang


In one of the field of the forms shows "#error" when I open the form, and
when I click the fiedl it says " Reserved error (-1517); There is no message
for this error", then there is a button of "OK" and "help".

Please help why this occurs


Ofer Cohen

This answer was given by Joan Wild in a similar post

This error will occur if you change the design of a table, but don't follow
through with a compact. If your database is split, it is a good idea to
compact the backend after a design change, and also refresh the links in the
frontend and compact it.

I think it's that latter step that's fouling things up for you - refresh the
links and compact the frontend.

Frank Situmorang

Thank you very much Ofer, I just compacted the frontend, it already solved
the problem.



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