2004 Test Drive resets system fonts


William Gallagher

Just installed the test drive version of Office 2004 and all my fonts are
changed in everything: Safari, the lot.

So I looked up what font Safari defaults to, Lucinda Grande 12pt, and tried
changing to that. A font change took place... but it doesn't look remotely
how Safari used to.

Any ideas, anyone? I should say that from half an hour's playing with Office
2004 I like it, chiefly because it feels faster than Office X, but it's annoying
that it imposes a system-wide change like this.


Mark Hufstetler

That happened to me, too, after I installed the full version ... but a
system restart made everything right again. So it's not a huge problem, but
it does reflect a bit of un-Mac-like behavior for the app. :)

William Gallagher

Great, thank you. Once I'm off today's deadlines, I'll restart and cross my


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