2nd request



I posted this yesterday with no response. I still have
not figured it out so I thought I would try again. I did
add activeworkbook.save in the close event so the
workbook is now saved before the error message appears. I
get the message after the save but right before the
application closes. Any ideas on what might be causing
this would be greatly appreciated.!

I have a program that I designed in excel 2000. When I
run it in 97, there is a glitch. When I double click an
item in a listbox, the code below is ran. It works fine
but when I exit the program I get "excel has errors and
will shut down.." Not a big deal I guess since I was
closing anyway but the program is not saved and it does
not look good. While in the program, everything works as
it should and I won't get the error as long as I don't
double click an item in this listbox. I do not have any
code that runs on close. Anyone have any idea what might
be causing this problem?? Thanks in advance for any help


Private Sub lbPending_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As


'when an item is double clicked in the 'pending
transactions' listbox
'bring up the create userform and populate with the
entries made so far

Dim Rowcnt As Long
Dim r As Long

Rowcnt = 0

For r = 0 To lbPending.ListCount - 1
If lbPending.Selected(r) Then

Rowcnt = r + 2 'listcount begins with 0 and row 1 is
headings so we add 2
'to match the row # with the listindex
Dim how As String
how = Sheet2.Range("a" & Rowcnt).Value
Select Case how
Case "ebuy"
ufCreate.obebuy.Value = True
Case "PS7381"
ufCreate.ob7381.Value = True
Case "NA"
ufCreate.obNA.Value = True
End Select
how = ""

Sheet2.Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ufCreate.tbApprovalDate.Value = Sheet2.Range("b" &
Sheet1.Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

ufCreate.tbOrderDate.Value = Sheet2.Range("c" &
ufCreate.tbDescription.Value = Sheet2.Range("d" &
ufCreate.cbCatagory.Value = Sheet2.Range("e" &
ufCreate.cbVendor.Value = Sheet2.Range("f" &
ufCreate.tbInvoiceNum.Value = Sheet2.Range("g" &
ufCreate.tbReceiveDate.Value = Sheet2.Range("h" &
ufCreate.tbPaidDate.Value = Sheet2.Range("i" &
ufCreate.cbMethod.Value = Sheet2.Range("j" &
ufCreate.tbCost.Value = Sheet2.Range("k" &

'Now remove the transaction from the pending list
'Deleteing something in the rowsource will crash in excel

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range(lbPending.RowSource)
lbPending.RowSource = ""
Sheet2.Range("a" & Rowcnt).EntireRow.Delete
lbPending.RowSource = rng.Resize(rng.Rows.Count -

End If
Next r

Set rng = Nothing


End Sub

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