3rd Party tool for Word Indexing


Matt Townsend

It was said in a previous post that Word's Indexing has a great deal of
flexibility. Its Ok but not that good.

A couple of items I would like in my index are:

1. Chapter names prefixing the index citing page number. Right now I have
chapter numbers using bullets and that is what shows up. So, for example, I
have 1968.2-1 instead of Spring 1968-2.
2. Saint, when abbreviated St. (which is customary) to index in the 'sa'
section and not the St. Other examples of this abound.
3. Very desireable but not required is hyperlinks from the index citing to
the spot in the document, ala the way Wordperfect does it.

I don't see any way that Word can do these things. Can anybody suggest a 3rd
party tool that might?


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