4th July Rules!


Norman Harker


Since the USA is supposed to be on holiday, how about rules for what
the rest of us will do today?

Suggestions to kick off with.

1. Start off with a rousing chorus of God Save the Queen or whatever
National Anthem you prefer as long as it's not Stars and Stripes.
2. All references to Bush and Kerry are banned!! You may however, bore
the pants off everyone else by discussions of your country's politics.
3. All are allowed to bitch about the USA centric nature of MS
products. (Even the MVP password forgets that there are two

BTW what is the current rate of tax paid on tea? And do you feel as if
you are adequately represented?

I'm outa here. Fast!

Happy Independence Day USA.


Hi Norman

bit bored are we? :)
as its bucketting down over here i'ld like to forget that there's two
hemispheres too and have their weather ...
my suggestion for today's topics for us from down-under, at least, is "Do we
need an inderpendance day too?" (variation of the monarch vs republic

Happy 4th July - USA!


Norman Harker

Hi Harlan!

I much prefer the USA one. But you can keep the second amendment.

But the British Constitution has stood the test of time; there isn't

Not much to complain about with Excel though apart from those date
issues that come through VBA.

Happy Independence Day to you and yours.

Norman Harker

Hi JulieD!

I noted that today's (Summer) temperature in London was lower than our
(Winter) temperature in Sydney.

With dual nationality, I'm (British) pro Monarchy and (Australian)
Republican. It goes with the split personality.

Happy Excel-ing

Andy Wiggins

It's very hard for Brits to ignore the USA especially when Bliar begins all
his speeches with, "My fellow Americans".

Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"

Don Guillett

Hi, Norm, Is it cold down under?

Can you hum "God save the queen"? In TEXAS, we sing "The eyes of Texas are
upon you".
As for the tax on tea. What is tea? Is that kinda like "Wild Turkey"?

Norman Harker

Hi Don!

Remarkably mild Winter here with a high of 23 C today; 73 F in your
money; that's =CONVERT(23,"C","F")

Would expect Texans to drink tea; you weren't a British colony and
hence drink a poor imitation of Single Malt.

Peo Sjoblom

And of course the C in temperature really stands for Celsius (I believe many
people think it stands for Centigrade) who was Swedish
Anders Celsius original thermometer had 0 for boiling and 100 for freezing,
I believe Linné (or using the latin version which is used in some countries:
ordered the first thermometer that reversed it to 0 freezing and 100 boiling


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Bob Phillips

Yes but look where it gets us, the most secretive 'democratic' society, and
the most introspective, jingoistic to boot.

Nothing to commend itself here as far as I can see.


Bob Phillips

I live in England, am European, anti-monarchy, anti-current politics with
it's presidential style emphasis on the leader, celebrity based as well.




Nice to see the former colonies et al whooping it up!

A bit like children who leave home: attached, yet detached, but i
varying degrees. In fact, looks sometimes as though the aging parent
are becoming dependent on the offspring. I'm probably thinking more o
the huge numbers of personable young Aussies who now seem to run mos
of our bars, pubs and restaurants. It's easier to cope with that on
than it is to encompass the many facets of the USA.

I'm an odd mixture, being English (probably many centuries of it in th
family); not a monarchist; haven't yet seen any other system I'
trust... Bit like Excel.

Time was when C _did_ stand for centigrade in England. But our Britis
weather forecasters (how about that for an oxymoron?) decided t
celebrate Celsius' anniversary by unilaterally changing the style t
Celsius in all the bulletins.
I'm not surprised his scale was "upside down": so's our weather.


Bob Phillips

Showing a number of prejudices here Norm!

Not everyone feels that singing 'God Save the Queen' is a good idea, it's a
poor song, offensive, and a rotten national anthem.

Most people who use the NGs are not MVPs, and thus cannot put that comment
into context.

We in Europe are in the same hemisphere as the USA but still suffer the MS
US-centric view.

As for talking about our own politics, we don't have any with the current US
desire to be the latest world empire, and with our leaders meekly


Peo Sjoblom

AlfD > said:

Nice to see the former colonies et al whooping it up!

A bit like children who leave home: attached, yet detached, but in
varying degrees. In fact, looks sometimes as though the aging parents
are becoming dependent on the offspring. I'm probably thinking more of
the huge numbers of personable young Aussies who now seem to run most
of our bars, pubs and restaurants. It's easier to cope with that one
than it is to encompass the many facets of the USA.

I'm an odd mixture, being English (probably many centuries of it in the
family); not a monarchist; haven't yet seen any other system I'd
trust... Bit like Excel.

Time was when C _did_ stand for centigrade in England. But our British
weather forecasters (how about that for an oxymoron?) decided to
celebrate Celsius' anniversary by unilaterally changing the style to
Celsius in all the bulletins.
I'm not surprised his scale was "upside down": so's our weather.

I am Swedish living in Virginia USA which has one of the meanest summer
I drag my little personal cooling aid with me wherever I go


at work I run down to start the car and turn on the AC 10 minutes before I
When my American wife is asleep I run up and change the thermostat to the AC
and then reset it when I leave in the morning.
I spent 6 months in Australia and the northern parts are similar to summer
Virginia with the humidity,
Sydney is much nicer weather-wise then Virginia.
I LOVE British weather, I have visited UK quite a lot and I even spent
some months in Brighton trying to learn English, the weather is perfect.


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Paul B

Norman, hope you are having a great day, sunny and about 89 degrees, F, here
at this time. I know this is not a gun control newsgroup but I had to
comment on your statement
"But you can keep the second amendment"

I for one am thankful we have the second amendment, without it I feel we
could lose a lot more of them, a quick search on gun control in Australia
found this, and a lot more..

Since Australia banned private ownership of most guns in 1996, crime has
risen dramatically, After Australian lawmakers passed widespread gun bans,
owners were forced to surrender about 650,000 weapons, Though lawmakers
responsible for passing the ban promised a safer country, the nation's crime
statistics tell a different story:
Countrywide, homicides are up 3.2 percent; Assaults are up 8.6 percent;
Amazingly, armed robberies have climbed nearly 45 percent;
In the Australian state of Victoria, gun homicides have climbed 300 percent;
In the 25 years before the gun bans, crime in Australia had been dropping

And in the US, with Right-to-Carry laws, (RTC) where more states, 38 at
this time, an all time high, are putting laws on the books that respect the
right to self-defense by allowing individual citizens to carry firearms for

The nation's violent crime rate has decreased every year since 1991 and in
2002 hit a 23-year low. In the same period, 17 states adopted and 13 states
improved RTC laws. RTC states have lower violent crime rates, on average:
24% lower total violent crime, 22% lower murder, 37% lower robbery, and 20%
lower aggravated assault. The five states with the lowest violent crime
rates are RTC states. (Data: FBI)

Thanks for taking the time to posting the vast knowledge of excel that you
have, to help others

Paul B
Nicholson, Georgia USA

Norman Harker

Hi Bob!

Re: "Showing a number of prejudices here Norm!"

Just a friendly wind up! I'll agree on the National Anthem; a rotten
song. I'd prefer Land of Hope and Glory.

Re: "meekly acquiescing"

Our opposition leader has been known to use rather "richer"
terminology regarding our leader's approach. Interesting though,
whatever views are taken, is that Bush and Howard are both up for
re-election this year.

The US centric approach of MS needs addressing in my view; and that is
taking a view that would benefit Microsoft. As an example, the most
common financial formatting used by the Indian sub-continent, is not
facilitated by the format options and custom format possibilities
preclude both positive and negative numbers. We can address by macros;
but I really don't think we should have to.

Norman Harker

Hi Paul!

Ever wish you didn't start something? <vbg>

Looks like I'll need to call in the UN to get me out of this.

Paul B

Norman, don't get me started on the UN <bg>

Got to go and put some steaks on the grill, or should that be on the barbie?

Paul B

Bob Phillips

Hi Norman,

Norman Harker said:
Just a friendly wind up! I'll agree on the National Anthem; a rotten
song. I'd prefer Land of Hope and Glory.

I would opt for Jerusalem myself, passionate, good tune, and pertuinent.
Our opposition leader has been known to use rather "richer"
terminology regarding our leader's approach. Interesting though,
whatever views are taken, is that Bush and Howard are both up for
re-election this year.

I don't think we have an opposition leader, just another 'personality' clone
with a different face. Charles Kennedy is the onmly real alterntive voice,
and who listens to the Liberal party (apart from my daughter).
The US centric approach of MS needs addressing in my view; and that is
taking a view that would benefit Microsoft. As an example, the most
common financial formatting used by the Indian sub-continent, is not
facilitated by the format options and custom format possibilities
preclude both positive and negative numbers. We can address by macros;
but I really don't think we should have to.

Hear, hear! I would think that the Asian nuances are more likely to get
addressed that the non-US Western things, as that is where the US sees the
next important market.


PS Frightening to read views such as recently expressed on gun-control.
Reminds one of the justification invading Iraq, as we all know there were
WMDs ther, and the world is much safer place now (well it is if you cook the

Harlan Grove

Peo Sjoblom said:
I LOVE British weather, I have visited UK quite a lot and I even
spent some months in Brighton trying to learn English, the weather
is perfect.

Despite other things I could say about it, Microsoft did/does have the good
sense to leave its headquarters in a place with a comparably ideal climate.
Mucho savings on A/C and sunblock!