Abandoning Business Contact Manager and going back to ACT



I have made a concerted (several month long) effort to both use Business
Contact Manager in my own business (consulting in Web marketing and small
business information systems) and to encourage my wife to use it in hers
(bookkeeping). I am a former ACT user and she used an insurance industry
contact manager called Contact Partner for years.

We both find BCM VERY awkward to use and frustrating. Tasks & functions that
are a big pain include: promoting a 'business contact' (vendors, suspects,
prospects, etc.) into 'accounts' (clients); creating a task (to-do); the lack
of 'who for' associated with reminders (unless entered into the task
description); creating appointments that display meaningfully in the
calendar; logging phone calls; and the list goes on...

Contact managers are supposed to transparently make your life easier, not
become a distraction or worse, a career in themselves. I find BCM a real
embarassment to me as a MS Partner.



I pretty much agree. After using it for a year, I'm moving back to generic


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