Acc2000: Change defaults for Find dialog box doesnt work using runtime



Hi all,

I followed this MSKB article to set the find dialog defaults in an A2k

ACC2000: How to Set Defaults for the Find and Replace Dialog Box
(208923) - This article describes how to set different default settings for
the Find and Replace dialog box in Microsoft Access 2000

It advises to use a sendkeys macro to change the settings on the dialog box.
I also mapped the macro to ^F using an autokeys macro.

It works fine on the full version of access, but on the runtime the find
defaults aren't changed.

On the runtime, after I use the find macro, and then close the find macro
and close the form I was searching, I see "Setting up wizards" appear in the
status bar, and a progress bar that doesn't move. This hogs 100% CPU time on
the PC, and an attempt to exit the database causes access to crash, or
require an end-process in task manager.

I know people generally advise against using sendkeys, so please advise if
there another way (code?) to change the find dialog box to enable 'search
fields as formatted' and 'any part of field' as defaults?



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