Access 2000 decompile



We have an access 2000 database application. It takes about 1 minute to open
a form at first time when you start application. I have tried to move all
queries to the form load event and other tips suggested in the article
“Microsoft Access Performance FAQ†at Nothing helps so far. I
am trying to decompile. I created a decompile.bat file with the content -->
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
"c:\MiracleProjects\msfe.mdb" /wrkgrp "c:\miracledb\mo.mda" /cmd
"c:\miracledb\msbe.mdb" /decompile

I clicked the batch file to start. Once the Access Login popped up, I
entered the password, then Pressed Shift key and OK button. After this, only
thing happened is that CPU jumped up to 100%. When I checked task manager. It
indicatds Microsoft Access no responding.

I don’t know what is wrong with I did. Hope some one can help me for this.

Msfe.mdb is my front db and msbe.mdb is backend db.


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"c:\MiracleProjects\msfe.mdb" /wrkgrp "c:\miracledb\mo.mda" /cmd
"c:\miracledb\msbe.mdb" /decompile

1) That is not a decompile: that is just a /cmd
Everything after the /cmd is included in the /cmd
If you want it to decompile, you have to put the /decompile before the /cmd

2) What is the /cmd for anyway? If it is relinking, of course
it is going to take a while.

3) Access always goes 'not responding' when it is thinking.

4) Sometimes decompile can take a while to finish


David C. Holley

Can't provide too much help as I'd probably have to see it in person,
BUT I would *highly* recommend that you use a names for the Front End
and Back End that differly greatly than in a single letter. Having two
different files that named in such a similar method has the potential to
cause problems if someone's not paying attention.


Ming said:
We have an access 2000 database application. It takes about 1 minute to open
a form at first time when you start application. I have tried to move all
queries to the form load event and other tips suggested in the article
“Microsoft Access Performance FAQ†at Nothing helps so far. I
am trying to decompile. I created a decompile.bat file with the content -->
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
"c:\MiracleProjects\msfe.mdb" /wrkgrp "c:\miracledb\mo.mda" /cmd
"c:\miracledb\msbe.mdb" /decompile

I clicked the batch file to start. Once the Access Login popped up, I
entered the password, then Pressed Shift key and OK button. After this, only
thing happened is that CPU jumped up to 100%. When I checked task manager. It
indicatds Microsoft Access no responding.

I don’t know what is wrong with I did. Hope some one can help me for this.

Msfe.mdb is my front db and msbe.mdb is backend db.


You do not mention trying to run the Jet Compact Utility (on a copy,
of course).

Did you?


Chris O.


Hi Chris,

I have tried run compact utility. It did not help at all for the
performance. It still take 55 seconds to open the form. I have added tracing
to log the each function call. There is a gap between end of Form Open event
and beginning of Form Current event -- 52 seconds. There is no code to
change. That is why I have decided to run decompiling to see if it will help.

However I don't know how to run decompile since I have a front db and back
end db with security option. Tis is my short cut to run my application.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
"c:\MiracleProjects\msfe.mdb" /wrkgrp "c:\miracledb\mo.mda" /cmd

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