Access 2007 how do I delete/separate a label from its text box?



I used to be able to delete the labels from each text box in a form on MS
Access for XP and prior. For example, if you wanted a from that displayed an
address in one tight little area, like you'd see it on an envelope, it would
be necessary to remove the labels for each text box that had Address1,
Address2, City, State, and Zip. I can't seem to delete the labels without
deleting the text boxes right along with them in Access 2007 for Windows
Vista. Can someone tell me how this is done?

Graham R Seach


I can't reproduce your problem. I created a blank form, added a textbox,
selected the textbox's label control, hit [Del] - gone!

Did you select the label control before deleting?

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia


I'm having this problem with Access 2007 for Windows Vista. Not for Windows
XP or prior. Are you sure you're using Access 2007?


Actually, come to think of it, this happened when I used the form wizard and
all the Text boxes with their labels were automatically created. I don't
know if this makes a difference as opposed to dragging a field from the Field
List box. If you ARE using Access 2007 for Windows Vista, try recreating the
problem with a from created with form wizard and see if you don't have the
same problem I have.

Graham R Seach

Yes, I was on 2007 under Vista Ultimate. I'd manually created the form,
which is why I didn't see the same behaviour as you. AutoForm makes a
difference, because Access automatically groups the controls.

Change to Design view and select the label control. Hold down the SHIFT key
and select it's textbox. On the Arrange tab, select Remove. Depending on
where your control is located on the form, it might disappear underneath
another control when you remove it from the group. Just hit the down arrow
to move it to the bottom so you can work on it. Then you can re-arrange
things once you've deleted the label. Click the form to deselect everything.
Then re-select the label control only, and hit [Del]. That's it!

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

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