Access 2K Dies on Running OpenDatabase; Tried Everything!



Good afternoon, everyone. I've been wrestling with this problem for most of
the past two days, and it's very frustrating.
I have Access 2K and XP clients running Win 2K and XP connecting to a MySQL
4.12 BE on a Win 2K server. Most users are working fine, but setting up a
new Win2K/Access 2K laptop I encountered this problem. When the FE runs this

Set Globals.MySQL = OpenDatabase("MySQL", dbDriverNoPrompt, False,

Access dies, and Windows throws an error "MSACCESS.exe has generated errors
and will be closed by Windows." All of the Win XP clients work, with either
Access 2K or XP, and one Win 2K/Acc 2K client runs. Four other Win 2K/Acc 2K
clients have this problem. The one thing unusual about the one working Win
2K client is that it had Access 2K3 installed for a period, until I
downgraded to solve a different compatibility problem. It was a soft
reinstall, so there may be Acc 2K3 components left.
I have the latest service packs, and MDAC, Jet, and MyODBC drivers. Any
Thank you!

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