Access 97 vs Access 2000



Please, tell me if it's possible (and if it is then how to do it) to install
Acc2K Runtime on a machine which has already Acc97 installed, and leave
Acc97 as a default opener for MDB files?
In our company, we still develop and use in production environment
apllications designed for Access 97. But, in few weeks, some of those
applications will be migrated to Access 2000. So we've decided to install MS
Access 2000 Runtime on workstations, to ensure that in the future there will
be no problem in running changed MDB files. Of course, you can say that I'll
have to change parameters (MSACCESS.EXE location) in shortcuts pointing to
databases, but it won't be a good solution as the problem regards about 1400
computers, and not all of them have such shortcuts :-/
All computers are configured as follows: EXCEL 2K, WORD 2K, OUTLOOK 2K,
We run Acc2KRuntime Installer by double-clicking setup.exe, and then change
the default directory to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office9AR\.
The problem is, that after installing Acc2K that way, the default MS Access
application becomes Access 2000, and it tries to open MDB files in Acc97
format... Additionally, it seems that Runtime Installer for Acc2K Runtime
does not install such OCX's as Calendar and Date/Time Picker. Applications
created with Access 97 use those controls in 8.0 - versions, while Access
2000 uses 9.0 - versions.
I was wondering, if Custom Installation Wizard would help to solve this
How do I have to use it to create a setup program that will leave Access 97
as default database opener after installing Acc2K?
And secondly, how can I "make" setup to copy and register those OCXs? A user
after opening such database designed for Acc2K is prompted to point the path
to the source of installation files, and then nothing happens, because an
oridinary user has no rights to update the system.
How can I register those OCXs while installing on Admin rights?

Thank you in advance for your help
Regards, Matte

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