Access and Excel Unique link problem/question



I designed a database using Access last year. This year, I decided to
'automate' our schedule, using Excel. The database has tables that
show historical data, regarding when our schedule has changes.

Database contains these tables (with Forms for the user to enter
Table 1
Date (of schedule change), Initials (persons unique operating initials)
Original Shift, New Shift.

Table 2 contains this:
Date (of schedule swap), Employee 1, shift, Employee 2, shift

Table 3
Date, Initials, Shift, Request (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, and more)

My Excel Spreadsheet contains A Row for each set of Initials and
Columns that show the Date. It looks something like this...

Initials 7/01/05 7/02/05 7/03/05
JO 6 6 A/L 14
XX 12 6 RDO

The numbers represent the shift (6 is 6am, RDO is regular day off, A/L
14 the person is on Annual Leave off the 14:00 shift)

I didn't realize that I would be automating the schedule and I didn't
design the Access program to "work" with Excel. With Excel, I was
limited to making the program "look" exactly like our current "hard
copy" schedule.

I would now like the two programs to work "together". Is there a way
to Enter information into Access and have Access find the correct
column (date) and Row (initials) and update the excel file with the
entry made into the Shift field from Access?

I am a beginner, with both Access and Excel (self taught)


No takers on this one? Maybe I should state that I am not a beginner,
but definately self taught. I have used Access to create a couple of
programs and recently converted our watch schedule to excel. I've
asked for help at work, but "I" am now considered the 'expert' VBG.



What I need to learn, is how to "link" the new table (imported from
Excel), so that the Access Table 'FINDS' the appropriate cell in this
new table, when they update a current database table in Access.

I need to get these tables into a relationship, right?


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