Access and SQL


Albert D. Kallal

That is quite large.

As you can see, you do have quite a substantial amount of stuff.

However, the size does seem a little larger then it should. Perhaps you have
some embedded graphics or used some background image stuff for forms? (those
really chew up space and cause bloat, and for this reason I don't use any
imagies. For reports etc, I "share" the same logo).

If no backgroup images or logos etc is being used for forms, then I would
say things seem a bit larger then usual.

It is possible that your forms on average are very large, and do a
lot....this also could explain the large db size.

A Hopper

I think I am going to have someone evaluate the database
to see if I am doing something wrong. I am self taught. I
am not using any graphics but I do have forms that have a
lot of calculations connected to them.

Thank you again for all your help.

A Hopper

I think I am going to have someone evaluate the database
to see if I am doing something wrong. I am self taught. I
am not using any graphics but I do have forms that have a
lot of calculations connected to them.

Thank you again for all your help.

A Hopper

I think I am going to have someone evaluate the database
to see if I am doing something wrong. I am self taught. I
am not using any graphics but I do have forms that have a
lot of calculations connected to them.

Thank you again for all your help.

A Hopper

I think I am going to have someone evaluate the database
to see if I am doing something wrong. I am self taught. I
am not using any graphics but I do have forms that have a
lot of calculations connected to them.

Thank you again for all your help.

Robert Blackwell

You need to fix whatever you are doing that's causing you to post 5+ times
each time you do so.

Albert D. Kallal

A Hopper said:
I think I am going to have someone evaluate the database
to see if I am doing something wrong. I am self taught. I
am not using any graphics but I do have forms that have a
lot of calculations connected to them.

Nah, that sounds ok to me. I would as a test try importing everything into a
new blank database. Do a save and compile all, and then compact.

I would not worry too much here. As mentioned, it does seem somewhat larger
then it should be, but I would not use this as a issue to "worry" or
question your software approach! (that is too harsh of a concluding!). (I
don't think you are doing anything wrong!).

You can, and should have check the following articles on front end
bloat...perhaps one might apply to you:

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