Access Autocorrect won't talk to me



We have 2 PIIs running Win98 & Office 2000 from the HDD
and connected to a W2000 network. One of them just got
rebuilt by or IT support people and now I can't access the
old Autocorrect info in Access, though it successfully
inported the backed up data into Word.
We've run MACROS9.DOT to achieve the above.
We've tried copying ACL files & in various
combinations & with various filenames reflecting usernames.
The standard autocorrect entries are there, it's just the
restored stuff we can't find.

It's used for data completion more than correction - we
type a course or subject number & it fills in the name.
At the moment I'm typing them in Word & pasting them into
Access: Not ideal. If we can't find what file is supposed
to be looked at & dump the data in it, the boss is
threatening to swap PC's so I've got the one that works, &
I've just about got this one back to my preferred setup.

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