Hi my typical function:
I am SHORTEN my lines now
Is there some Restriction of usage of:
-Double-DOT-OPERATOR ?(Here is an MASSIVE usage example)
Public Function FF_TEXTAPPEND(cTEXT, Optional cFullFileName = gkPath_MOJ_TMP
& tmp & ".txt", Optional bCreateFile As Boolean = False, Optional nLimitText
As Long = gknLimit_TEXTBOX, Optional bRetOverFlow As Boolean, Optional
bMsgOverFlow As Boolean = True) As Boolean: On Error GoTo XPAC_CHYBA: Dim
llRet As Boolean, llCreateNew As Boolean, B As Scripting.TextStream,
lnLenALL&, lc_FileName$, ln_TRY_FILE&, ln_TRY_DIR&, il&, il_max&,
lc__proc_meno$, f As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, lc__proc_ErrUSR$,
ln__proc_err&, lc_LINE$, lc_cTEXT$: lc__proc_meno$ = "FF_TEXTAPPEND": If Not
IsNull(cTEXT) Then lc_cTEXT = CStr(cTEXT)
lc_FileName = cFullFileName: lnLenALL = Len(lc_cTEXT): If (lnLenALL >
nLimitText) Then ERROR_RAISE lc__proc_meno, lnLenALL & ", nLimitText OVERFLOW
(MAX=" & nLimitText & ") !" & vbCrLf & "FF: " & lc_FileName, bDummyErr:=Not
bMsgOverFlow: bRetOverFlow = True: GoTo xPAC_KONIEC
llCreateNew = bCreateFile: If Not FF_EXISTS(lc_FileName) Then llCreateNew =
If llCreateNew Then
If FF_EXISTS(lc_FileName) Then bb = FF_DEL(lc_FileName, Force:=True)
LBL_TRY_FILE: Set B = f.CreateTextFile(lc_FileName, True): B.Close
End If '-----BIG >>>> lc_cTEXT, dlho to pocita...If Len(lc_cTEXT) < 10000
LBL_TRY_DIR: If (ln_TRY_DIR > 0) Then If (ln_TRY_FILE = 0) Then bb =
FO_CHECK(FF_PARSE(lc_FileName, eFPPath), bShowFolderError:=True): If Not bb
Set B = f.OpenTextFile(lc_FileName, ForAppending): If B Is Nothing Then GoTo
If Not (lc_cTEXT Like ("*" & vbLf & "*")) Then '' OLD: If (Not
EE_STR_SEEK(vbLf, lc_cTEXT)) Then
il_max = LINECount(lc_cTEXT): For il = 1 To il_max: lc_LINE =
LINEGet1(lc_cTEXT, il): B.WriteLine (lc_LINE): Next il
Else: B.Write lc_cTEXT
End If: B.Close: llRet = True
xPAC_KONIEC: Set f = Nothing: Set B = Nothing: FF_TEXTAPPEND = llRet: Exit
F_CRT_ERROR: ERROR_RAISE lc__proc_meno, "Could <NOT> create... Folder: " &
lc_FileName: GoTo xPAC_KONIEC
F_FILE_ERROR: ERROR_RAISE lc__proc_meno, "Could <NOT> create... File: " &
lc_FileName: GoTo xPAC_KONIEC
XPAC_CHYBA: If (Err = 76 And (ln_TRY_DIR = 0)) Then ln_TRY_DIR = ln_TRY_DIR
+ 1: Err.Clear: Resume LBL_TRY_DIR
If (Err = 76 And (ln_TRY_DIR > 0)) Then ln_TRY_DIR = ln_TRY_DIR + 1:
Err.Clear: Resume F_CRT_ERROR
If (Err = 53 And (ln_TRY_FILE = 0)) Then ln_TRY_FILE = ln_TRY_FILE + 1:
Err.Clear: Resume LBL_TRY_FILE
If (Err = 53 And (ln_TRY_FILE > 0)) Then ln_TRY_FILE = ln_TRY_FILE + 1:
Err.Clear: Resume F_FILE_ERROR
lc__proc_ErrUSR = "File: " & cFullFileName: ln__proc_err& = ERROR_SHOW(Err,
lc__proc_meno$, lc__proc_ErrUSR$, lkCurModul_NV): Select Case ln__proc_err:
Case 1: Resume: Case 2: Resume Next: Case Else: GoTo xPAC_KONIEC: End Select:
End Function

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