Accessing Mapquest info from Excel



I need to have excel get driving directions from Mapquest and place them in
a cell.

Currently, what I am doing is to have the following in a cell (anyNum and
AnyStreet are actually my address num and street) and col F-I are
ClientsAddressNum, ClientsAddress2, ClientsCity and ClientsST
& F124 & "+" & SUBSTITUTE(G124," ","+") & "&2c=" & SUBSTITUTE(H124," ","+")
& "&2s=" & I124 & "&2z=&r=f","")

This gives me a link that I can cut and paste (works pretty good)
Then I need to go to PRINTER FRIENDLY then cut the directions on that page,
come back to excel, and paste them in to a cell, the (wanting to keep
everything on one line ) change the format to wordwrap off (which it was

I then get the travel time and miles into 2 different cells using
=IF(ISBLANK(BA124),"",VALUE(MID(BA124,SEARCH(" Total Est. Distance",BA124) +
21,SEARCH(" miles ",BA124) - (SEARCH(" Total Est. Distance",BA124) + 21))))
Time:",BA124)+16,SEARCH("Total Est. Distance:",BA124)-(SEARCH("Total Est.
Time:",BA124)+24)))),"",VALUE(MID(BA124,SEARCH("Total Est.
Time:",BA124)+16,SEARCH("Total Est. Distance:",BA124)-(SEARCH("Total Est.

BA is the column I cut and paste the directions into

I am looking for a way that will automate the results a little more.


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