actual location values amoung shapes



Say I had 2 shapes of different sizes and assume I have a point of interest
(connection point for example) in one shape. Is there a way to get and use
the actual location values of the point in the second shape.

Its difficult to use LOCTOLOC and such since the width/height are different
between shapes (lots of translations). GETVAL does not seem to work for
this either.

Any thoughts?


PAR function or LOCTOPAR function ?
EndX = PAR(PNT(Sheet.4!Connections.X1-3 mm,Sheet.4!Connections.Y1))
means EndX of connector is to be -3mm from connection point of shape, sheet.4.

PinX = LOCTOPAR(PNT(Sheet.1!Connections.X1+-15 mm,Sheet.1!Connections.Y1+0
means Pinx of Sheet.2 is to be -15 mm from connection point of sheet.1.


will try par

but on LOCTOPAR: since the shapes have different sizes, are you sure this
is not really -15mm from sheet.1!connections, but unless one does something
unusual, isnt connections on sheet 1 something like width*1+4mm,
height* when translated, its really -15mm from
sheet.2!width*1+4mm, sheet.2!height*2+2mm. But since sheet.1 is a different
size than sheet 2, the points dont line up (dont have the relative distance
from say the NE corner of each shape)?

In the past, I typically just reference geometries but make sure the
width/height are identical and overlay exactly (any offset would mess things


Just now I am fighting against nearly same problem.
Now, I am trying LOC function, and it seems I've done.

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