Add a "Percent of Total of an answer" column in a pivot table



I know that the answer to this is probably simple, but how do I add a
"percent of total" column in a pivot table.

My table is as follows:

Answer to Question
User Group Yes No Grand Total
grp #1 5 3 8
grp #2 10 3 13
grp #3 8 4 12
Grand Total 23 10 33

How do I add another column that states what percentage of "No"s there are
of the total without changing the whole table to percents? In other words, to
get the table to look like:

Answer to Question
User Group Yes No Grand Total %No
grp #1 5 3 8 37.5%
grp #2 10 3 13 23.1%
grp #3 8 4 12 33.3%
Grand Total 23 10 33 30.3%

I've tried several things but I can't seem to make any headway. I know that
the answer is simple (hopefully) but I just can't find it.

Debra Dalgleish

You could hide the Grand Total, and create a couple of calculated items:

Select the Answer field button
On the Pivot toolbar, choose PivotTable>Formulas>Calculated Item
Type a name for the field, e.g. TotalResponse
In the formula box, type: =Yes+No
Click the Add button

Type a name for the next field, e.g. PctNo
In the formula box, type: =No/(Yes+No)
Click the OK button
Format the Percent column

The grand total for PctNo will be a sum of the row percents, not a
calculation of total % No

Debra Dalgleish

If you only have the two fields in your data table, add a third field,
e.g. "Count", and enter a 1 for each record.

Add that field to the data area of the pivot table, to get the count of
each response type.

Then you'll be able to create the calculated items.

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