Add additional custom autolayout box to a master



As I read in some threads is not possible to insert new autolayout boxes in
master slide, but is not possible at all or is it possible modifying/adding
something with visual basic or another program like that?
I need to have 3 autolayout boxes in the master slide so every slide
inserted into the presentation will have 3 boxes: 1 for the title, 1 for the
text and 1 for the message of the chart: They will have 3 differents formats
of font dimension, and colors.
If someone can help me....

John Wilson


You cant add placeholders.

You can choose the layout title/text and content which may do what you want.
Go to format > layout and scroll down till you find it - about 12 0r 13 in
the list

Michael Koerner

You read Correctly. You cannot add new place holders. You could however
create a slide with your formatted information, then when you start a new
presentation just copy and paste the slide as many times as needed. Make
sure you save your created template as a template file (.POT)

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| As I read in some threads is not possible to insert new autolayout boxes
| master slide, but is not possible at all or is it possible
| something with visual basic or another program like that?
| I need to have 3 autolayout boxes in the master slide so every slide
| inserted into the presentation will have 3 boxes: 1 for the title, 1 for
| text and 1 for the message of the chart: They will have 3 differents
| of font dimension, and colors.
| If someone can help me....
| Regards


What John said. If you use one of the slide layouts and modify that you can
copy this layout quickly by using Insert - duplicate slide - then use F4 to
repeat it quickly.


Right, but in this case if I have an old presentation with the Layout
Title/text (I mean a standard master slide) the changes will no take effect
because you didn't change the master but the single slide.... (or I'm wrong?)

Michael Koerner

That is correct. You would have to copy the enhanced slide from your new
template and paste it into your old presentation. Keeping in mind that every
time you want to use this particular format you will have to paste a new
slide rather than using Ctrl+M (insert new slide)

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Right, but in this case if I have an old presentation with the Layout
| Title/text (I mean a standard master slide) the changes will no take
| because you didn't change the master but the single slide.... (or I'm
| "Michael Koerner" wrote:
| > You read Correctly. You cannot add new place holders. You could however
| > create a slide with your formatted information, then when you start a
| > presentation just copy and paste the slide as many times as needed. Make
| > sure you save your created template as a template file (.POT)
| >
| > --
| > <>Please post all follow-up questions/replies to the newsgroup<>
| > <><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
| > <><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
| > <><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
| > Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]
| >
| >
| > | > | As I read in some threads is not possible to insert new autolayout
| > in
| > | master slide, but is not possible at all or is it possible
| > modifying/adding
| > | something with visual basic or another program like that?
| > | I need to have 3 autolayout boxes in the master slide so every slide
| > | inserted into the presentation will have 3 boxes: 1 for the title, 1
| > the
| > | text and 1 for the message of the chart: They will have 3 differents
| > formats
| > | of font dimension, and colors.
| > | If someone can help me....
| > | Regards
| >
| >
| >
| >

villem teder

Hi "boba"

In looking to do something similar to what you want, I discovered a
work around that may help you. The usually suggested method in the FAQ
is to create a slide with text boxes laid out and formatted as you
want, and then to copy this slide as needed. The problem with this is
that text added to text boxes does not show up in the outline view.

Instead, start a new show using the "2 column" auto-layout. Go to
"view", "master", "slide master", and add a background, or its colour.
You can adjust the properties of the placeholders here somewhat. The
title place-holder is as normal, but you will notice that the
place-holder for the body of the text only shows the over-all area
that the 2 columns will occupy, and only allows you to set a common
font for both columns.

However, once you go to regular editing view, you can make changes
that will be more useful. I discovered that you can select each
individual column, and modify it as you wish. Once you have done this,
copy this slide as needed, and you can fill in text in the outline. If
you create a new slide, it will go back to the settings on the master

Does this get you closer?


Villem Teder

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