Adding columns



where there is no value in one of the columns - with this
formula =IF(M8=O8,Q8+N8-1,Q8+N8)
- it says "# Value" in the column and does not carry the
total over on the one column with a total in it - is there
something I can do to get the same result when one column
is empty example below

Column A B c D E f G
03/03/04 03/03/04 1 03/03/04 003/05/04 2 3

03/03/04 03/03/04 1 #value

in the second row colum G I would like it to be able to
carry the one over from column C -- so g needs to
recognize when B and D are the same and subract one but
also needs to carry over colmn C when there is noting in F

Thanks Katherine

Frank Kabel

I would assume the cells are not really empty but contain the formua
result "". Try the following:

or use:

and as stated in the previous thread shortened to:


Hi Frank,
I tried that one -- I still have one little problem - if
the cells contain no information it recognizes them as
equaling and -1 from 0 in my final column - is there a way
for it to recognize a empty cell? and not do anything in
this formula - other than this minor detail - it is
working perfect for all other purposes

Thanks for your time


Frank Kabel


or try:

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