Adding in a piece of logic to my complicated formula!


Dan the Man

Previously I received wonderful help with a very long piece of formula, and
that which you see below works like a charm!

=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7<>"",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"Updated
Eval Needed Before New RF",IF(OR(AA7<>"",AND(TODAY()>AG7,AN7="AC
Initiated")),IF(AND(TODAY()>AG7,AN7="AC Initiated"),IF(AQ7="","Check AC
Status",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AQ7,6),AN7="AC Initiated"),"Re-Check AC
Status","")),IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AA7,12),AN7="Referred to
TX"),IF(AL7="","Eval Before RF",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,6),AN7="Referred to
Tx"),"Confirm AC Follow
Through","")),"")),IF(AL7<>"",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,6),AN7="Referred to
Tx"),"Confirm AC Follow Through",""),"")))

I have to add in one last line to accomplish the final requirement, and
hopefully someone can help me. When I attempt to incorporate the information
it doesn't work, however if I put the information into its own stand alone
cell it works just fine. Here is the additional piece of formula I'd like to
weave into the above "beast":

=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7="",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"New Eval

Not sure if this is enough information for you all, or if you more details
about the "requirement" surrounding the logic.

Thanks in advance!



Dan The Man,

from the beasty formula you have...

from the first *if*
=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7<>"",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"Updated
Eval Needed Before New RF",............
***i try to evaluate the result by using the tools>formula
i found out that the evaluate tool box bear a result of ***#NAME?****..
Yet the cell result shows as what u may expect without error result....

from the new addl *if*which u say can stand alone in one cell...i agree as
per my test..
=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7="",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"New Eval

when i try to append the new addl. if as the first part of the formula, like

=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7="",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"New Eval
Needed",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7<>"",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to
Tx"),"Updated Eval Needed Before New
Initiated")),IF(AND(TODAY()>AG7,AN7="AC Initiated"),IF(AQ7="","Check AC
Status",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AQ7,6),AN7="AC Initiated"),"Re-Check AC
Status","")),IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AA7,12),AN7="Referred to
TX"),IF(AL7="","Eval Before RF",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,6),AN7="Referred to
Tx"),"Confirm AC Follow
Through","")),"")),IF(AL7<>"",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,6),AN7="Referred to
Tx"),"Confirm AC Follow Through",""),""))))

and then when i try to *enter* , a pop-up appear saying *formula error* and
the *today()* inside the 3rd from the last *if* had been highlighted...

there may be a twist in your beast of formula, but i suggest to formulate
your multi-ifs with something like this...with priority result in the first
line of *if*..

=IF(criteria1=true,"result1_if_true",IF(criteria2=true,"result2_if_true",IF(criteria3=true,"result3_if_true",IF(criteria4=true,"result4_if_true",IF(criteria5=true,"result5_if_true",IF(criteria6=true,"result6_if_true",IF(criteria7=true,"result7_if_true","RESULT IF NO CRITERIA WAS TRUE"))))))



Following on from Driller's suggestion, I would suggest that you
arrange your IFs like so:

=IF(criteria1=true,"result1_if_true","") &
IF(criteria2=true,"result2_if_true","") &
IF(criteria3=true,"result3_if_true","") &
IF(criteria4=true,"result4_if_true","") &
IF(criteria5=true,"result5_if_true","") &
IF(criteria6=true,"result6_if_true","") &

The criteria should be in priority order, and mutually exclusive. This
way you can string along many more IFs than the limit of 7 nested IFs
as none of them are nested, and if you end up with a blank cell then
there has not been any criteria which has been met.

Hope this helps.


Dan the Man

Thanks guyz!

The portion of my "beasty" formula that you see below works well.

=IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AA7<>"",AL7<>"",AN7="Referred to Tx"),"Updated
Eval Needed Before New RF",IF(OR(AA7<>"",AND(TODAY()>AG7,AN7="AC
Initiated")),IF(AND(TODAY()>AG7,AN7="AC Initiated"),IF(AP7="","Check AC
Status",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AP7,6),AN7="AC Initiated"),"Re-Check AC
Status","")),IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AA7,12),AN7="Referred to
TX"),IF(AL7="","Eval Before RF",

The string below doesn't seem to register during testing, however it does
not create any error messages when incorporated. It is as if I never included
this string.

IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,6),AN7="Referred to Tx"),"Confirm AC Follow

This last string does work, and flags according to the logic.

IF(AL7<>"",IF(AND(TODAY()>EDATE(AL7,12),AN7="Referred to Tx"),"New Eval

So now that I almost have it, any final suggestions to tame this beast?



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